Update the Site Name
Your site name is an important part of the information about your site.
- The site name will be used and displayed in search engine results (see below.)
- The site name will be used in the browser tab for site visitors, after the page title.
- The site name will display as the title of the site in the header and footer unless you customize those areas.
Note: to change the appearance of the wordmark or the arrangement of your site name in the header, see this guide to logo and branding settings.
How the site name is used
In this example, the site name of https://swsblog.stanford.edu
is "Web Services Blog." In search results, the site name is the most prominent piece of information.
When to change the site name
There may be times when it's necessary to update your site name. For example:
- If you submitted a new site request through Service Now, you may have had to remove important punctuation in your site name since Service Now does not accept punctuation or other special characters in the field.
- The name of your unit, department, institute, program, etc. changes.
- The name of your site is too ambiguous for meaningful search.
How to update the site name
1. Navigate to Configuration > System > Site Settings:
2. Update Site Name in its text box:
3. Save.
Do not enter a URL as the site name. Use the name of your organization or department. To launch your site or request a vanity host, please submit a Launch Request and SWS is happy to help.
Related Topics
Local Footer Modifications
Update this site-specific footer, located above Stanford's Global Footer on all pages.
Manage Branding and Logo Options
How to update the logo in your site's header and footer.
Block Search Engines
All sites on Stanford Sites are open to search engines upon provisioning.