Introduction to Stanford Sites Syllabus

Stanford Sites is a free, self-service tool for building and managing websites for university work. It offers design flexibility, integration with Stanford systems, and substantial functionality through Drupal. Websites are hosted in the cloud on a system monitored by UIT and designed for fast performance and high availability.

The following is the outline for the Introduction to Stanford Sites training session. This session will walk you through the terminology we use when talking about the Stanford Sites Drupal CMS, common site-building tasks, and resources for taking the next steps. It is not hands-on training, but you can follow along by reviewing the steps below on your own Drupal site during the session.

We use a training session demo site during the class.

Register for a Training Session

Anatomy of a Basic Page

Screenshot illustrating the terminology for page components

Related Topics


Request assistance with a Stanford Sites-hosted website through Stanford's ServiceNow portal.

Glossary of Terms

An alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to Stanford Sites

Included Modules

Click on the name of the module to learn more about what it does and how to use it.

Upcoming Sessions

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