Marketing and Analytics

Stanford Sites provides support for many third-party marketing and analytics tools, including social media sharing, Google Analytics, and more.

You can learn more about marketing and analytics options within these sections:

In addition to the above resources, all pages contain some metatags to help search engines to know what content is on the page. These metatags are also used when sharing content on social media platforms. The metatags are automatically populated based on the data provided in each page, but it is possible to have full control over an individual page's metatags. If there is some unique image, text, or other data you'd like to configure for a specific page, please visit the support page to learn how to request more assistance.

Related resources from campus partners

Global Facebook Pixel

The Stanford Global Facebook Pixel is owned and managed by University Communications, and can be made available to units upon adoption of Stanford’s social media policy. 

Learn more about Global Facebook Pixel

Social Media Guidelines

Guidelines esigned to help Stanford employees, volunteers, affiliates, and consultants (e.g., creative agencies) in making appropriate decisions when managing and/or developing social media initiatives on behalf of the university. 

Read the Social Media Guidelines